Sunday, March 04, 2007

Coulombe free on bail pending sex case appeal

London Free Press - City & Region - Coulombe free on bail pending sex case appeal: "Convicted sex offender and former teacher Kris Coulombe was released yesterday after spending one day of a four-year prison sentence behind bars.

Barely 24 hours after being led away from a Simcoe courtroom to the applause of his victims' families, Coulombe was granted bail by the Ontario Court of Appeal.

Coulombe, 33, will be free -- though living under nearly identical conditions to his previous bail -- while Toronto criminal lawyer Howard Rubel argues an appeal to his conviction.

On Tuesday, Coulombe was sentenced to four years in prison for sexually assaulting five female students aged 14 to 17 while he was a teacher at Townsend central school and Waterford district high school."

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